Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lelana Ansaldo forms 25th Guild!

On the evening of September 26, 2010 Lelana Ansaldo cut the tethers from the Shadow Guild and hit the thrusters to take her new Guild called "Renegade," to its position in the Tiny Empires 3000 Universe.

I chatted with Lelana afterward and got the following quote from her:

Hi we are the Renegade Guild, we named us that cause we had to get here the hard way, through a few detours a few losses but more then anything all the struggles we went through, made a stronger bond to form this guild. All of my line has been with me a long time and its because of their commitment to us as a team we made it and we plan to prosper and grow and be there for each other, so whoop we did it, all of you in Renegade!
Congratulations Lelana Ansaldo and Renegade!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sabean Pagan Forms Guild

This announcement recieved today from Ultralite Soleil:

Please join me in congratulating Guildleader Sabean Pagan on the formation of her new guild "The Star Empire".

Her guild was formed out of The Neutral Zone on August 29.


Friday, July 30, 2010

Soph Shepherd Launches Koru Guild

The Koru Guild was launched On July 24, 2010, by now Guild Leader Soph Sheperd, I missed the occasion myself, hence the delayed report. Spawning from the Anarchy Guild, Koru becomes the 23rd Guild to enter the TE3K Universe.

I had a wonderful chat with Soph and got the following from her, for the blog:
Soph Shepherd: The name of the Koru Guild is derived from a Maori word meaning life, growth, strength and peace. The Guild is the end of a long path and the beginning of a new one. There will be bumps along the way, there were bumps getting here. Special thanks to all the loyal people in the Guild, Lelana for pushing me to do it and to Steve and BJ for their invaluable advice.
Congratulations Soph and best of luck Koru Guild!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kaelyn Mahoney Launches 22nd Guild

Launching from the Sikara on July 14th, 2010, Kaelyn Mahoney's Guild is called "The Neutral Zone."

Kaelyn was Operations Manager at Sikara, and Guild Leader Stewart McDowwll needed to spend more time in his First Life and asked Kaelyn to take the crew and form a new guild with a new name. Stewart did not want to deprive his crew of the benefits they would miss due to his inactivity in Second Life. This was all done because, currently, there is no way for a Guild Leader to abdicate their position in Tiny Empires 3000.

Kaelyn Mahoney: We formed out of Sikaria in a bittersweet situation... So while we are saddened to see Stew having to step down, we are happy that he is getting to pursue great opportunities that RL is offering him right now.

We are like family to each other and have been through some rough times that have only made us stronger. We will continue growing and supporting each other and anyone who wants to call us home. Sikaria's spirit lives on in each of our hearts.
Congradulations to Kaelyn Mahoney and The Neutral Zone!
Best Wishes to Stewart McDowwll in his endeavors!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Orpheus Carter Forms Guild

Guild Leader Orpheus Carter launched "Space Order Prophecy" guild today.
Ascending from Overlords, the "Space Order Prophecy" is the 21st guild to be formed in the Tiny Empires 3000 universe.

Orpheus was unavailable for comment at this writing, but we wish him and his guild all the best.

Congratulations Orpheus Carter!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Alliance of Lyonesse Launches

June 7, 2010 at about 10:00 am SL time the Tiny Empires 3000 HUD announced the following:
[Mar 3286] Guildleader Snookums Voom formed the guild "Alliance of Lyonesse". It is the 20th Guild to be created after the Alliance of Hera started it all.

I chatted with Snookums shortly afterward to get her reaction and some words for our readers.

Alamiga Anatine: Wow, congratulations, let me know when you have time to say something for the Tiny Empires 3000 Blog readers.

Snookums Voom: sure. right now... still scared to death. and terribly excited.

I don't know why... I can get so excited over these games!

I was originally in The Shadows Guild. My entire downline, especially my direct subjects, have been very supportive, motivating, encouraging.. and excited over this new venture. This was a somewhat spur-of-the-moment decision... so we still have much to organize and develop. But we will work very diligently to become a respected guild and play this game with honor.
Congratulations Snookums Voom and Best wishes to the Alliance of Lyonesse!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Two(?) Guilds in One Day!

Just hours after the 7th Gate of Galactic Hell came into being, another official announcement was made:

Bratt Lunasea has become guildleader of a new guild, known as Styx Imperium. He arose from the 7th Gate of Galactic Hell.

Three cheers for the new guildleader, and may his guild prosper.

- Chancellor Ultralite Soleil

Official Announcement! New Guild!

The official proclamation reads as follows:

Blaize Korobase has become guildleader of a new guild, known as 7th Gate of Galactic Hell. She arose from the Mu Trade Federation.

Three cheers for the new guildleader, and may her guild prosper.

- Chancellor Ultralite Soleil

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kelly Barron Launches The "Dendarii Guild"

At about 12:43 pm SL time on May 25th, 2010, [Nov 3803 TE3K time] Kelly Baron ascends from Anarchy, becomes Guild Leader and names her guild "Dendarii Guild!"

Dendarii is the 17th Guild to Launch in Tiny Empires 3000.

I contacted Kelly and asked her if she had anything to add upon her ascension for the blog.

I'm so excited!
I owe a big thank you to BigJohn for his help, and to Scotty, Steve, Zhu, & Stew for advice.
It must be said that i don't deserve all the credit, this would never happen without a loyal crew!!!
Just that i have the best, funniest, most loyal Crew!!! lol
I really love these folks!!
I'm sitting here grinning like an idiot lol
I got the impression she was quite ecstatic.

Congratulations Kelly Baron and Best wishes to the Dendarii Guild!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Alexandra Fallon Launches "Sirius"

On Saturday May 15, 2010 at about 10:00 pm SL time (Jul 3442 on the TE3K HUD), Alexandra ascended from the Guild of Sikaria. The new Guild is called Sirus and is the 16th Guild to launch.

Congratulations to Alexandra Fallon!

No Damp Spirts for Ultra

[10:29] Ultralite Soleil: You'll never dunk me! NEVER!

Relay for Life fund raiser featured Ultralite Soleil, creator of Tiny Empires 3000 and the classic, Tiny Empires as a target of our affections... err yes that's it..
Just a few pictures from the event..

[10:39] Ultralite Soleil: COME ON IN, THE WATER IS FINE

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dare You Dunk Your Chancellor?

Attention! Calling All Loyal... and Not So Loyal Subordinates of Chancellor Ultralite Soleil.

Join us on Saturday, May 15th, 10am - noon. Our Chancellor Ultralite Soleil will settle himself upon the hot seat of The Dunk Tank and Dare You to do your worst!

Will YOU be the one to drop him into the cold and slimy water?

A RelayForLife fund raiser, with a minimum of 10% of donations going to International Cancer Research.

questions to Shawna Montgomery in SL

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Reserve Fleet benefits, Part Two

So, it turns out that the reserve fleet has another benefit! This from Guildleader Steve Fallingbridge's site:

In other words, the Shadow Guild members can now receive five years without dues instead of three. Very nicely done, Steve!

But since the Shadow Guild has completed their fleet for some time and we're only now hearing about this, it's a likely conclusion that this is a new benefit, solely for guilds with a complete reserve fleet.

Which brings the next question: what other benefits are around the corner?

And who else is going to be next to have that reserve fleet finished?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Price Change!

Good news for people wanting to play Tiny Empires 3000, and for those who want to get them to the full version. From the group chat just now:

[8:17] Ultralite Soleil: Good news everyone. Tiny Empires 3000 has been reduced in price! It now costs L$899 to upgrade to the Full version (down from L$999)

Will it last? Go up? Go further down? Who knows, but in the meantime... enjoy!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Guild of Swank Launches

This was the line from the gossip page:
[May 3089] Guildleader Scottie Muircastle formed the guild "Guild of Swank".

On February 15th, 2010 at about 4:45 pm SL time, Scottie Muircastle did the final click on his HUD to ascended from Haven and form the Guild of Swank.

Scottie offered the following:
Swankhaven Blitz is needed in RL and will be spending more time offline than he feels would be good for the kingdom. The guild was formed from the people of the classic kingdom of Swank mostly, although there is several other kingdoms represented here also. I named the guild in his honor since he is the one who actually formed it and I respect him as a leader, and have for the time that i have been playing the game, as I have been in Swank since shortly after I started playing. I have a lot of plans for the guild to try and keep it interesting, most will take time to get into action and hopefully in the meantime I can settle into the new role as Guild leader.

Congratulations Scottie!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Shadow Guild Reaches 10,000 Ship Reserve

I don't have much to add to what the HUD said, but I sure hope its more than just custom metals and being able to replace lost ships due to sabotage.

Friday, February 5, 2010

TE3000 Gift Box Changes

The following message was posted by Ultralite Soleil to the TE3K Chat group:
Greetings all,

About 6 weeks ago, there was a change in the way Tiny Empires 3000 gift boxes were sent and received. That system required giftcodes to be managed by the giver, and the codes had to be entered by the recipient of the gift. It turned out to be an overcomplicated system that gave everyone headaches, including me.

Today I am introducing a new way to send the gift of Tiny Empires 3000 that is MUCH simpler, but still provides the security and authentication of the giftcode system.

With today's change, when you purchase a Tiny Empires 3000 gift box you will be given something called a "Tiny Empires 3000 Gift Giver". To use it, you (the purchaser) rez the Gift Giver on the ground and enter the avatar name of the person to receive the gift. That's all. If the name you enter is valid, that person will instantly be upgraded to paid status and they will automatically receive the Full Version of the game HUD without having to lift a finger.

There are no giftcodes to manage. You don't need to transfer any inventory objects or notecards to the recipient. You just rez the Gift Giver, and then enter their name on a specific chat channel. This moves all the effort to the gift giver, who is, in theory, more familiar with TE and SL. And it requires no effort on the part of the gift recipient, who is more likely to be a newbie to TE and SL.

I hope this change makes it easier to introduce more people to the fun of Tiny Empires 3000.

Some details:

  • For privacy reasons and to keep clutter out of the main chat channel, you (the purchaser) must enter the recipient's name on channel 3001. So if you are trying to send TE3K gift to someone named Rose Smith, you would rez the Gift Giver and then enter "/3001 Rose Smith" in your local chat window (without the quotes). If you did it right, you'll get a reply from the box.
  • When you successfully give someone an upgrade to the paid version of Tiny Empires 3000, they will receive a Full Version game HUD and an instant message telling them who sent it (your name). You will also get an instant message informing you of the successful gift. Then the Gift Giver box you rezzed will disappear.
  • If the person was in Busy Mode or did not receive the Tiny Empires 3000 Full Version HUD for some reason, don't worry. They will still be marked as paid, and can continue using the Trial HUD. Direct them to the Tiny Empires 3000 HUD Replacer on the wall of the shop so that they can get a Full Version of the HUD at their leisure.
  • If you enter a name incorrectly, the system will inform you that player does not exist, and you can try again on the same chat channel.
  • The person whose name you enter must have already attached the Tiny Empires 3000 Free Trial, at least once. That puts their name into the Tiny Empires system so that they can be eligible to receive the upgrade gift from you. If you enter a name correctly but you keep getting a response that the name is not found, please make sure they have attached the Free Trial HUD at least once. The Free Trial HUD is available at the Tiny Empires 3000 shop.
  • If you purchase several gift boxes, the system will keep track of how many you have, and it will tell you how many remain each time you rez a Gift Giver or successfully send someone a gift.
  • You can still get a bulk discount on gift boxes. If buy 10 you get the 11th one free.
  • The new Gift Giver boxes are non-copyable and non-transferrable. They can only be used by the original purchaser. If you have the need to transfer them to another avatar after buying them, let me know and I might be able to arrange something with you.
  • Gift boxes purchased since December 15, 2009 that require the giftcodes can still be used and redeemed as normal. There is no need to cancel those and switch them for the new ones. However, if you wish to do so anyway, please contact me and I will work out an arrangement with you.
  • The really old Gift boxes purchased before December 15, 2009 are still obsolete and must be exchanged for the newer ones. Contact me to arrange this.

If you have any questions about the new TE3000 Gift system, feel free to ask me.

Ultralite Soleil

Thursday, February 4, 2010

An Easier Way to Reset Your HUD

Don't you hate it when your HUD times out and you have to detach and reattach? Well I discovered that if you go to your "Allies" tab and check "Open Comm Link" to any of your allies, next turn its active again and you can cancel your Comm. This works with the old TE as well, using "Send an Ambassador."

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mysterious Vessel Entity is more Generous?

Reports over the last week or two of more people receiving the 100 credits per ship income increase have been more numerous. Magic Ember and Ayalara Merlin claim to have received two from Black Diamond events at Cosmic Paradise. Magic was gracious enough to send a screenshot showing his 3300 credits per ship.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Enigma Guild is Born

This quote from Severinus Wiefel:
We spinned off from the Shadows on Friday night, January 29, at 9:30 pm with the help of many good friends from the Shadows. We are now a Minor Guild, but that was expected by intention. My thanks go to those who helped and who made this possible throughout the last 10 months.
Enigma Guild is the 14th Guild to be formed in Tiny Empires 3000.

Congratulations Severinus Wiefel

Saturday, January 23, 2010

13th Guild: The CHOsen Alliance

Today at about 10 am SL time (Mar 3211 on HUD), Zhu Juran stepped forward and took the lead of The CHOsen Alliance. Zhu ascended from Overlords Alliance with a strong following.

I asked Zhu if there is anything she would like to tell the readers here:
"SL is not a game, but TE3K definitely is!
We stress positive group chat, no sabo, and loyalty!"
Ultralite Soleil sent Zhu his own special "CHOngratulations!!!" upon the news. If you are wondering about the unusual guild name, Cho is the name of the SL Sim where its home base is and apparently guild members there like being called "The CHOsen Ones."

Zhu also gave me a copy of their charter, which starts with the following:
Above all, I want our guild to be a place where everyone is comfortable. I am tolerant of most behaviour except for hate and discrimination of any sort. I would like CHOsen to be known as a guild that has fun, plays hard, but knows that TE3K is, after all, a game.
The rest of their charter outlines specific rules and guidelines of the guild. I'm sure Zhu would gladly share it with anyone interested in her alliance.

Congratulations Zhu Juran!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hera: Is the End Near?

The mother alliance in Tiny Empires has dropped to the Minor Guilds, many of the active players have moved to Guilds where they can enjoy the fruits of titles and free ships from their "real" guild leaders.

The Hera Guild Leader, Aristotle Landry, and one of his subordinates, Bethany Frankle are "Ultrabots," automated players created with Hera as a starting place for the game. Several other Ultrabots have existed before. but they had their lines moved as Hera shrank and were deleted to the two existing ones.

There are not many active lifeforms remaining in Hera, all the Directors have fled. Rumors of pending disaster in the Hera system exist. It's not a very attractive place for anyone to move to anymore. We can only hope that the rescue ships can save the ones remaining in Hera. Maybe it will take 10,000 Reserve ships to save them? No one knows what will happen. But if your in Hera, there are 12 other Guilds that I'm sure will be happy to find you good homes and pamper you.

Personally, I had hoped to ascend from Hera, but as it shrank so did my lines growth there. As several others before have, it was time to move to a more active guild.

Last one out, please turn off the lights.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haven Launches as 12th Guild

On January 13th, Swankhaven Blitz mustered his forces and launched the 12th Guild in Tiny Empires 3000. Ascending from The Mu Trade Federation, apparently rather quietly, as it took me a week to notice it on the map.

Congratulations Swankhaven!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rank Limits & Sabotage Reimbursement

Verbatim announcement from Ultralite Soleil:
Greetings all,

I would like to inform you of some changes in Tiny Empires 3000.

1. Rank Limits
Superior/subordinate rank limits for the entry-level ranks have been changed to be less restrictive. For example, a Pilot can now become the subordinate of a Mogul or below. Formerly, the highest superior a Pilot could have was a Merchant. Other limits on rank differences between superiors and subordinates have been similarly relaxed. The goal is to make it easier for higher-ranked players to take on new players. I welcome your feedback on this change.

2. Sabotage Reimbursement
Operations Assistants and Operations Managers have a new power. In guilds with fleet reserves in excess of 2,000 ships, OAs and OMs may now choose to reimburse members of their downlines for ships lost due to sabotage. The ships will be taken from the guild's reserve and given to the sabotage victim. Guilds with very large reserves will be able to reimburse sabotaged ships at a discount (full reimbursement of ships to the victim, but only taking half the normal ships from the reserve).

In order to be eligible to reimburse a sabotage victim, the OA or OM must be at the top of the victim's downline, and must be online. Direct subordinates of the guildleader as well as the guildleader him/herself cannot be reimbursed for sabotaged ships. All reimbursements will show up on the guildleader's "While you were away" history at login.

If you have any questions or feedback on the above changes, please do not hestitate to contact me. Enjoy.

Chancellor Ultralite Soleil

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ideas For Pumping Life Into TE3K

Compared to Tiny Empires "Classic." Tiny Empires 3000 does not seem to have the same attraction to new and old players. The theme is not as romantic, Prince versus Director for example. The hierarchy of Tiny Empires 3000 is more business than warrior or romantic.

Aside from a weaker theme, the initial price point for TE3K makes new players decide on the original version to play over TE3K. Surprising as it seems to some, playing more than one HUD really isn't the norm.

TE3K also doesn't have as much player interaction as the original Tiny Empires. Is nothing similar to a Festival event and the Black Diamond Mystery Vessel does not give "Generosity" as a item, which if you don't know, in Classic TE, forces players to meet each other in person.

So the ideas in point form:
  • match initial price point of both Tiny Empires.
  • strengthen the theme(s) of TE3K, making level titles more romantic or powerful sounding.
  • add more play or occasional events that makes players interact more one and one.
I'm not suggesting Tiny Empires 3000 be more of a clone. But it should have something more to make it attractive in comparison. I think the only mystery left is what happens when the 10 thousand Reserve Ship mark is reached. That process seems to be taking forever.

Please feel free to add your own comments or suggestions.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

11th Guild has Risen!

Sikaria! Long live Sikaria thay shouted as Stewart Mcdowwll took the Guild Leader reins of the 11th Guild to enter the Tiny Empires 3000 universe! Ascending from Anarchy, which sounds like a good thing, at 1 pm SLT, January 3, 2010.
This from their group charter:
We are a technologically far advanced civilization. By using a space folding technology it is possible to travel instantaneously over up to 40000 light years. We have our own version of a `Prime Directive', and thus don't interfere will less advanced guilds.

We don't need rules, but I must ask that we continue to be supportive of our parent guild Anarchy!
Stewart had these words to say after the ascension:
....this is YOUR guild. Just because I happen to be at the top, does NOT mean I am the boss. A guild is only as strong as the people that are in it. My job is to you all, and do my best to make it fun....NOT to be a boss or babysitter. If there is something you need, please let me know and I'll do my best. Communication is key... My job is to help you all.

You humble servant and GL,
Congratulations Stewart Mcdowwll!